It was undoubtedly a surprise for me to see that guy's pal coming in. I was still nude yet even though I simply had a terrific cum-shot the suggestion of fucking his room-mate was an immediate turn-on. I informed the various other man to leave as well as proceeded with him. Undoubtedly he knew by now about the type of bargains I am offering. As well as he had some time to consider it … as well as now, as he himself is asking for it I must have a simple game. We started to speak about his debts. He informed me that he was crashing a good friend's automobile. And the automobile was– of course– not made certain. All he was requesting for was 25000 CZK to fix the auto. I offered him 30000 CZ to keep him inspired. I can see from his eyes that in some way he was even satisfied to obtain eliminate the debt yet on the various other hand unsure what he was about to do …

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